My friend held a goodbye party recently, before she went to Melbourne to get ready for Uni. Bowls and Beer was the game, and it was time to show our skills. Unfortunately, that didn't happen too well. My first bowl banked and everyone's bowls were scattered everywhere across the green. One actually managed to stop on a parallel lane's standing mat. We were naturals I tell you. It is actually pretty fun to play, and it didn't hurt to have booze or the glorification of the sport by Mick Molloy's "Crackerjack". As expected, we were the youngest group by about 20 years at least, but I believe this is an underrated game by our generation. A lot of fun for a decent price and can get many people to play.

Yesterday, I went Ten Pin Bowling at North Strathfield AMF. I have to say, I have a soft spot for this game, even though I'm pretty shit at it, it's awesome. Gutter balls, Strikes and flukes are a few ways to describe how we played. We had a look at other people's scoring screen, and we were the only ones to have nicknames. Instead of being sensible writing Lloyd or Jenny like the lane next to us, we had Aid1, Papa, BigB and Akong. Oh so gangsta, AMF didn't see it coming! We also played pool afterwards, again, a great game to play. Last time we bet 2 bunches of Mee Goreng noodles, just because we're such high rollers. I'm yet to get this still, but I'm sure the Pro G driver that owe's me and Bouzo will get it soon. =) . Mee Goreng, the golden prize.

I'm still waiting for those noodles. Hahaha.